Command-Line Interface (CLI)

MedCo provides a client command-line interface (CLI) to interact with the medco-connector APIs.


To use the CLI, you must first follow one of the deployment guides. However, the version of the CLI documented here is the one shipped with the Local Development Deployment.

How to use

To show the CLI manual, run:

export MEDCO_SETUP_DIR=~/medco
cd ${MEDCO_SETUP_DIR}/deployments/dev-local-3nodes/
docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user [USERNAME] --password [PASSWORD] --help

   medco-cli-client - Command-line query tool for MedCo.

   medco-cli-client [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   concept-children, con-c     Get the concept children (both concepts and modifiers)
   modifier-children, mod-c    Get the modifier children
   concept-info, con-i         Get the concept info
   modifier-info, mod-i        Get the modifier info
   query, q                    Query the MedCo network
   ga-get-values, ga-val       Get the values of the genomic annotations of type *annotation* whose values contain *value*
   ga-get-variant, ga-var      Get the variant ID of the genomic annotation of type *annotation* and value *value*
   survival-analysis, srva     Run a survival analysis
   get-saved-cohorts, getsc    get cohorts
   add-saved-cohorts, addsc    Create a new cohort.
   update-saved-cohorts, upsc  Updates an existing cohort.
   remove-saved-cohorts, rmsc  Remove a cohort.
   help, h                     Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --user value, -u value        OIDC user login
   --password value, -p value    OIDC password login
   --token value, -t value       OIDC token
   --disableTLSCheck             Disable check of TLS certificates
   --outputFile value, -o value  Output file for the result. Printed to stdout if omitted.
   --help, -h                    show help
   --version, -v                 print the version

For a start, you can use the credentials of the default user: username:test password:test


You can use this command to browse the MedCo ontology by getting the children of a concept, both concepts and modifiers.

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test concept-children --help
   medco-cli-client concept-children - Get the concept children (both concepts and modifiers)

   medco-cli-client concept-children conceptPath

For example:

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test concept-children /E2ETEST/e2etest/ 
/E2ETEST/e2etest/1/	concept
/E2ETEST/e2etest/2/	concept
/E2ETEST/e2etest/3/	concept
/E2ETEST/modifiers/	modifier_folder


You can use this command to browse the MedCo ontology by getting the children of a modifier.

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test modifier-children --help
   medco-cli-client modifier-children - Get the modifier children

   medco-cli-client modifier-children modifierPath appliedPath appliedConcept

For example:

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test modifier-children /E2ETEST/modifiers/ /e2etest/% /E2ETEST/e2etest/1/
/E2ETEST/modifiers/1/	modifier


You can use this command to get information about a MedCo concept, including the associated metadata.

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test concept-info --help
   medco-cli-client concept-info - Get the concept info

   medco-cli-client concept-info conceptPath

For example:

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test concept-info /E2ETEST/e2etest/1/ 
      <DisplayName>E2E Concept 1</DisplayName>
      <Name>E2E Concept 1</Name>


You can use this command to get information about a MedCo modifier, including the associated metadata.

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test modifier-info --help
   medco-cli-client modifier-info - Get the modifier info

   medco-cli-client modifier-info modifierPath appliedPath

For example:

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test modifier-info /E2ETEST/modifiers/1/ /e2etest/1/
      <DisplayName>E2E Modifier 1</DisplayName>
      <Name>E2E Modifier 1</Name>


You can use this command to query the MedCo network.

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test query --help

   medco-cli-client query - Query the MedCo network

   medco-cli-client query [command options] [-t timing] query_string

   --timing value, -t value  Query timing: any|samevisit|sameinstancenum (default: "any")

This is the syntax of an example query using the pre-loaded default test data.

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test query enc::1 AND enc::2 OR enc::3

You will get something like that:


Query terms can be composed using the logical operators NOT, AND and OR.

Note that, in the queries, the OR operator has the highest priority, so1 AND NOT 2 OR 3 AND 2 is factorised as (1) AND (NOT (2 OR 3)) AND (2)

To each group of OR-ed terms you can also add a timing option ("any", "samevisit", "sameinstancenum") that will override the globally set timing option. For example:

1 AND NOT 2 OR 3 samevisit AND 2

Each query term is composed is composed of two mandatory fields, the type field and the content field, and an optional field, the constraint field, all separated by ::.


Possible values of the type field are: enc, clr, file.

  1. When the type field is equal to enc, the content field contains the concept ID. The constraint field is not present in this case.

  2. When the type field is equal to clr, the content field contains the concept field (containing the concept path) and, possibly, the modifier field, which in turn contains the modifier key and applied path fields, all separated by :. The optional constraint field can be present, containing the operator, type and value fields separated by :. The constraint field applies either to the concept or, if the modifier field is present, to the modifier. The possible types are NUMBER and TEXT. The possible operators for numbers are: EQ (equals), NE (not equal), GT (greater than), LT (less than), GE (greater than or equal), LE (less than or equal), BETWEEN (between, in this case the value field is in the format "x and y"). The possible operators for TEXT are LIKE[exact], LIKE[begin], LIKE[contains] and LIKE[end].

  3. When the type field is equal to file, the content field contains the path of the file containing the query terms, one for each row. The query terms contained in the same file are OR-ed together. Besides enc, clr, and file query terms, a file can also contain genomic query terms, each of which is composed by 4 comma separated values.


You can use this command to get the values of the genomic annotations that MedCo nodes make available for queries.

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test ga-get-values --help

   medco-cli-client ga-get-values - Get the values of the genomic annotations of type *annotation* whose values contain *value*

   medco-cli-client ga-get-values [command options] [-l limit] annotation value

   --limit value, -l value  Maximum number of returned values (default: 0)

To do some tests, you may want to load some data first.

Then, for example, if you want to know which genomic annotations of type "protein_change" containing the string "g32" are available, you can run:

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test ga-get-values protein_change g32

You will get:


The matching is case-insensitive and it is not possible to use wildcards. At the moment, with the loader v0, only three types of genomic annotations are available: variant_name, protein_change and hugo_gene_symbol.


You can use this command to get the variant ID of a certain genomic annotation.

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test ga-get-variant --help

   medco-cli-client ga-get-variant - Get the variant ID of the genomic annotation of type *annotation* and value *value*

   medco-cli-client ga-get-variant [command options] [-z zygosity] [-e] annotation value

   zygosity can be either heterozygous, homozygous, unknown or a combination of the three separated by |
If omitted, the command will execute as if zygosity was equal to "heterozygous|homozygous|unknown|"

   --zygosity value, -z value  Variant zygosysty
   --encrypted, -e             Return encrypted variant id

To do some tests, you may want to load some data first.

Then, for example, if you want to know the variant ID of the genomic annotation "HTR5A" of type "hugo_gene_symbol" with zygosity "heterozygous" or "homozygous", you can run:

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test ga-get-variant -z "heterozygous|homozygous" hugo_gene_symbol HTR5A

You will get:


The matching is case-insensitive and it is not possible to use wildcards. If you request the ID of an annotation which is not available (e.g, in the previous, example, "HTR5") you will get an error message. At the moment, with the loader v0, only three types of genomic annotations are available: variant_name, protein_change and hugo_gene_symbol.


You can run this command to get information useful to run survival analysis. The relative time points are computed as the difference between absolute dates of start concept and end concept.

   medco-cli-client survival-analysis - Run a survival analysis

   medco-cli-client survival-analysis [command options] -l limit [-g granularity] [-c cohortID] -s startConcept [-x startModifier] -e endConcept [-y endModifier]

   Returns the points of the survival curve

   --limit value, -l value          Max limit of survival analysis. (default: 0)
   --granularity value, -g value    Time resolution, one of [day, week, month, year] (default: "day")
   --cohortID value, -c value       Cohort identifier (default: -1)
   --startConcept value, -s value   Survival start concept
   --startModifier value, -x value  Survival start modifier (default: "@")
   --endConcept value, -e value     Survival end concept
   --endModifier value, -y value    Survival end modifier (default: "@")

Start and concept are determined by the name of the access table concatenated to the full path of the concept.

The default cohort identifier -1 corresponds to test data loaded for end-to-end testing. All future cohort identifiers will be positive integers. Cohorts can be created after a successful MedCo Explore query.

docker-compose -f run medco-cli-client --user test --password test srva  srva -l 2000 -g week -c 1  -s /SPHN/SPHNv2020.1/FophDiagnosis/ -e /SPHN/SPHNv2020.1/DeathStatus/ -y 126:1

The matching is case-insensitive and it is not possible to use wildcards. If you request the ID of an annotation which is not available (e.g, in the previous, example, "HTR5") you will get an error message. At the moment only three types of genomic annotations are available: variant_name, protein_change and hugo_gene_symbol.

Last updated