
UnLynx is divided in different folders that organize source code by categories.

Folder structure

├── cmd                  # Deployment of an executable
├── data                 # Fake data generation
├── deployment           # Dockerfiles
├── lib                  # Tools and utilities for protocols, services and apps
    ├──  add_rm          # Utilities for each protocol
    ├──  aggregation     
    ├──  ...             
├── protocols            # Contains all the building blocks
    ├──  utils
├── services             # Contains services (aggregation of building blocks)
    ├──  api.go          # Client-side
    ├──  service.go      # Server-side
├── simul                # Code for simulating UnLynx in different environments
    ├──  platform        # Simulation guidelines for different platforms
    ├──  runfiles        # .toml files that allow setting up different simulations
    ├──  test_data       # Files with runtime data (.csv)

Last updated