Presentation Guidelines
Keep it simple
Try to convey a single message per slide.
Limit the amount of text on each slide (i.e., be concise).
Figures and graphs are preferable to bullet lists.
Avoid repetitive, distracting backgrounds or fancy decorations on the slides.
Use animations with moderation.
Maintain a consistent design on your slides (e.g., colors, font styles, graphs).
Properly cite sources
Always cite relevant sources such as books and papers, preferably on the slide where they are mentioned. Include at least author(s)’ names, title, venue and year. For example:
R. Shokri, G. Theodorakopoulos, C. Troncoso, J.-P. Hubaux, and J.-Y. Le Boudec. Protecting Location Privacy: Optimal Strategy against Localization Attacks. CCS 2012.
Avoid generic conclusions
Your conclusions should be specific to your project and its contributions.
Include slide numbers on your slides
Include your division/department and year in the first slide of your presentation
Use an adequate number of slides
A general rule of thumb is that the number of slides should not be more than 2/3 of the number of minutes allowed.
Use proper fonts
Use fonts that are large enough, including for figures and graphs. Avoid fancy font types (Sans-serif fonts are recommend).
Use proper size for figures and graphs
Your audience should be able to see the details in your figures and graphs (i.e., sharpness). Avoid cramming figures or graphs on a single slide.
Proofread your slides
Use a spell/grammar checker. Ask other people to proofread your slides.
Rehearse your presentation
Rehearse your presentation at least one week beforehand in front of someone experienced. Make sure your talk fits the allotted time.
Check your equipment
Check beforehand that your laptop works adequately with the room’s projector/beamer. If using someone else’s laptop, check that the proper application is available to present your slides and make a test. Have a backup of your slides (e.g., on a USB stick).
Introduce yourself at the beginning of the talk
Do not read from your slides
Speak clearly, not too fast. Look at your audience.
Finish your talk at the “Conclusion” slide
When you finish your talk, leave your “conclusion” slide displayed, avoid displaying an information-free “Thanks for your attention” or “Questions?” slide.
Last updated
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