HTTPS Configuration

HTTPS is supported for the profiles test-local-3nodes and test-network.


The certificates are held in the configuration profile folder (e.g, ~/medco-deployment/configuration-profiles/test-local-3nodes):

  • certificate.key: private key

  • certificate.crt: certificate of own node

  • srv0-certificate.crt, srv1-certificate.crt, …: certificates of all nodes of the network

Enable HTTPS for the Test Local Deployment

To enable HTTPS for the profile test-local-3nodes, replace the files certificate.key and certificate.crt from the configuration profile folder with your own versions. Such a certificate can be obtained for example through Let’s Encrypt.

Then edit the file .env from the compose profile, replace the http with https, and restart the deployment.

Configure HTTPS for the Test Network Deployment

For this profile, HTTPS is mandatory. The profile generation scripts generates and use default self-signed certificates for each node. Those are perfectly fine to be used, but because they are self-signed, an HTTPS warning will be displayed to users in their browser when accessing Glowing Bear. There are two ways of avoiding this warning:

  • Configuring the browsers of your users to trust this certificate. This procedure is specific to the browsers and operating systems used at your site.

  • Use a certificate obtained by an authority trusted by the browser you are using: see below.

If you wish to use a certificate from your own making, gather its key and the certificate itself. Note that using your own certificate is only needed on the central node (as it is the one hosting the web application Glowing Bear). In the configuration profile of the central node (~/medco-deployment/configuration-profiles/test-network-<network name>-node<node index>/) copy the certificate and its key in the respective files certificate.crt and certificate.key. Then duplicate the file certificate.crt in srv0-certificate.crt. Restart the deployment and the central node configuration is ready.

Now the other nodes need to get this certificate to trust it. Get and copy the srv0-certificate.crt file into each of the configuration profile directory of the other nodes, and restart all the deployments. The configuration of HTTPS is now ready.

Last updated