Network Architecture
External Entities
Entities that need to connect to a machine running MedCo can be categorized as follow:
System administrators: Persons administrating the MedCo node. Likely to remain inside the clinical site internal network.
End-users: Researchers using MedCo to access the shared. Likely to remain inside the clinical site internal network.
Other MedCo nodes: MedCo nodes belonging to other clinical sites of the network.
Firewall Ports Opening
The following ports should be accessible by the listed entities, which makes IP address white-listing possible:
Port 22, 5432 (TCP): System Administrators
Port 80 (TCP): End-Users (HTTP automatic redirect to HTTPS (443))
Port 443 (TCP): System Administrators, End-Users, Other MedCo Nodes
Ports 2000-2001 (TCP): Other MedCo Nodes
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